
18 – 36 months

We introduce children in the age group to letters and sounds in a fun way through storytelling, music, and games. Carefully planned activities cultivate listening skills and allow every child to engage in social interaction with their peers, forming bonds and creating memories.

Toddler’s Curriculum

We recognize that children at this stage have moved on to a more advanced stage of development. Two and three- year-old have learned how to walk well, more physically enabled, are beginning to communicate.

At this stage, children become more expressive, pick up new skills and reach key milestones in their growth. Every child will learn through active participation in guided teaching sessions, laying the foundation for their future education. The children are also exposed to a second language here.

Three Learning Domains

Cognitive Development: Speech and Language & Numeracy

Throughout the day children may enjoy the large variety of play materials that are readily made available to them at the creative play centers to provide stimulating experiences where they can learn through their own natural curiosity, as well as hands-on activities. We recognize that each child has unique abilities and our teachers will guide and encourage your child in every stage of his or her development.

Physical Development: Gross Motor and Fine Motor

Activities are planned to encourage children to coordinate large gross motor skills to learn how to ride on tricycles, bounce balls, dance, leap, run and explore the environment. We build on their fine motor skills by painting, drawing and continuing to develop and practice self-help skills such as handwashing, self-feeding and dressing him/herself.

Social & Emotional Development

Very young children’s awareness of emotions and feelings are still being developed at this stage. Our teachers are sensitive and observant of the children’s needs and communicate positively with them. It is vital that the teachers be a good role model to the children to enable them to build positive relationship with their peers. Activities such as dramatic play, storytelling and daily conversations are some of the ways that the teachers promote children’s social skills.


Conducive preschool environment for constructive growth and fulfilment of potentials.

Low teacher-child ratio, so your child gets all the care and attention they need.

A welcoming and inclusive community that values learning and sharing.

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